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Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance do I need to place my child’s name on the waiting list?

Requirements vary by age. We recommend that you refer to the Programs section for more details. In general however, we recommend that you contact the school 6 months prior to your child’s desired start date.

What do I need to do to be on the waiting list?

The order of admission is on a first-come-first-serve-basis. Call the school at 512-251-0428 to schedule an appointment for a tour and submit the Application form and fee.

Can I register before the tour to be on the waiting list?

No. We believe that it is important to first see the school and experience the environment to ensure that you are selecting the right school and program for your child and your family.

Is the school open year-round?

Yes. We are open year-round for all ages.

When do you enroll children?

We enroll students throughout the year.

When is the best age to start my child?

Between 18 months to 3 years of age. If your child starts in the Toddler program (18 months – 3 years of age), the child will have a smooth transition into the Primary class. You may also enroll your child at the age of 3 years (child completely toilet trained) to start in the Primary class and complete a full three year Primary program including the Kindergarten year.

If my child stays through Kindergarten can he/she be accepted in first grade the following year?

Yes. There is no problem in enrolling your child in our Elementary Program at Cedar Park of Sapientia Montessori Schools which have 1st through 6th Grade or at any other school providing the child meets the enrollment requirements of that school. Most of our students are able to enter first grade and are placed in academically advanced studies.

What is the highest grade that I can have my child at your school?

Our campus offers Montessori education through Kindergarten. Once this is completed, our sister schools offer Elementary programs (1st grade – 6th grade). For a seamless transition from Primary to the Elementary program, we recommend that child has experienced the Primary class or another Elementary Montessori program before coming to the elementary program.

Is it hard for my child to transition to another school after being in Montessori?

Absolutely not, children continue to perform better in the Elementary Montessori class because the program continues to teach in the same methodology and with the same concepts as your child has learned in the Primary class. However, if a child is enrolled at another program, there are no issues in transitioning because in most cases our students are much more advanced in their studies.

Contact Pflugerville Montessori School Today!